Client Feature – Rod Dagneau

Client Feature – Rod Dagneau

  • By Susannah Steers
  • December 11, 2023

"No one has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for one to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which the body is capable.  
~ Socrates 

You might guess from our client Rod Dagneau's favourite quote that he is used to finding ways to test his own mettle. And you'd be right! His athletic pursuits are legendary here at the studio, and we're thrilled to cheer him on in all his adventures. During his time with us, we've also come to know many of the different layers of Rod - and we'd like to share him with you! 

Rod spends his work days as an Environmental Technologist, which means, like many of us, he spends long days sitting at a computer. He's the first one to point out though, that his work title isn't what defines him. In fact, he suggests that "racer, dancer, adventurer and dreamer might be a better fit."  He loves mountain biking, tap dancing, running, alpine and nordic skiing and dog walking. On the quieter side of things, he enjoys listening to audio books, sewing and inventing bike-packing gear. Isn't that a wonderful spectrum of contradictions and symmetries?

He describes his movement life as having "extremes of activity and inactivity." That can be a tricky combination for keeping a body healthy and moving with ease - but Rod has found a path that works for him. 

"My challenges are my hips and my back," he says, "or is that just aging?" Rod is discovering that while ageing does have its challenges, learning to move well and support your body efficiently can help a lot. Rod found his way to Moving Spirit several years ago. When he first started, the experience didn't provide the same intensity to which he was accustomed. Still there was something about Pilates that he found worth sticking around to figure out. When we asked him what Pilates with us as made possible for him since he started, he replied, "I can do crazy adventures, sleep in the dirt, and be able to get back up and keep going. Pilates is as essential as brushing my teeth." 

Some might ask how a guy who clearly enjoys his "Type 2 Fun" would enjoy something like Pilates - which doesn't usually provide the kind of heart-in-your-throat excitement that athletes sometimes crave. Rod tells us that appreciating nature, and being in the moment are key to encouraging him to stay positive, and working toward the next adventure provides the motivation. With its focus on experiencing the sensations in the body, and working towards better movement patterning as it creates strength and stamina - it seems that Pilates aligns pretty well with Rod's goals. 

There is no limit to where Rod's imagination (and his favourite books) will take him. The next challenge he has set his sights on is the Arizona Trail Race in October 2024 - again! It's a several hundred mile bike-packing race across some very challenging terrain. Wherever your adventures take you, Rod, we will be here to help you get there. Thanks for sharing your story with us!